Company Information

Firm name (JP)   株式会社ユナイトメディアワークス

Firm name in English   Hyperspots Media Works Co.,Ltd.

Date of the establishment   July 8, 2014

Capital   ¥10,000,000

Representative director   CEO Kazuyoshi Tanaka

Address   DOT bldg, 3F, 1-7-20, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0012 Japan

     TEL +813-6869-1367 FAX +813-5501-9054

Address   DOT bldg, 3F, 1-7-20, Hiroo, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, 150-0012 Japan

Account with a bank   Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank Ebisu branch office / Haneda branch office

Business   1 To make and to sell video image work and music works which is like DVD, CD, video, photo, computer software.
2 To manage, sell and publish copyrights and translation rights.
3 To plan, product and sell the character goods.
4 To plan, product and sell the digital contents.
5 To provide the information.
6 To deliver the contents with internet, and to attract a large number of membership.
7 To sell and rent the machines of telecommunications as an agency on consignment of the telecommunications company which is under the law of electric communications business.
8 To execute the telecommunications business of the telecommunications company as an agency.
9 To product and sell the telecommunication machines and the computer software.
10 To advertise as an agency.
11 To operate the events.
12 To support to provide the shop channel on TV and Internet.
13 To execute the business related to the item above mentioned.

Staffs   Number of Executive director 6 
Number of contract worker 22 (July, 2016)